Friday, September 27, 2013


Today was a great day! My students were listening and there were fewer interruptions than normal. I did have to make a phone call home, but it went well. After school I went with the other 5th grade teachers and some other people from the school to a restaurant. It was interesting to talk to the teachers outside of school. It dawned on me that being a Christian in a secular world is an interesting position to be in. The conversation turned to religion, and many people shared how they have been hurt by the church: weren't able to baptize their kids because they weren't married in a Catholic church, weren't able to get married in the Catholic church because they were living with their partner before getting married, and being told that they're going to Hell if they aren't regular church goers. How can I be a witness to the Truth when so many have been hurt by Christianity and want nothing to do with it? It was also interesting because every so often one of the other teachers would make a comment toward me like "don't judge me" or "you probably have such a negative view of us after this." What is it about me that people feel the need to apologize for who they are and what they say? I hope it is not that I come across as judgmental. That is never my intent. Maybe it's because I am young and "inexperienced in the world." Whatever it may be, I hope that people notice that there is a difference in how I approach things because of my faith. I pray that God uses me where I am, to reach some teachers and students.

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